Naturopathic Medicine and Fertility in Portland
Are you struggling to conceive a baby? Is hearing about family or friends’ miscarrying making you worried and concerned? How long have you been trying? Would you like to avoid expensive procedures such as IVF?
In naturopathic medicine philosophy, it is encouraged to find the cause and try less invasive methods of treatment first. In Chinese medicine, a woman’s menstrual cycle gives an overall perspective of her health each month.
For years, I have worked with women seeking fertility. Many options in conventional medicine are expensive and invasive. Although those options are at times necessary, I encourage women to try a more naturopathic and holistic approach first.
A thorough infertility workup also involves assessment of ovulation, ovarian reserves and sperm evaluation. Also, a thorough history that includes menstrual history, and physical examination are in order.
- Free T4
- Prolactin
- Estradiol
- Progesterone
- Anti-Mullerian Hormone
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
- Possible Laparoscopy
For a woman, getting pregnant is analogous to taking a trip around the world. It is best to be as strong as possible before undertaking such a demanding a journey. Aside from proper nutrition, I encourage testing nutrients such as B12, Iron and folate, I also like to have a thorough evaluation of the thyroid and adrenal hormones. For the adrenals, I recommend doing a salivary adrenal stress profile including DHEA sulfate and cortisol four times of day.
It is important to assess the history of PMS, birth control methods, irregular periods, potential disease processes such as PCOS, fibroids or endometriosis. It can take many months after years of oral contraceptives to regulate the menstrual cycle.
For the man, it is important to look at sperm motility and integrity in a sperm evaluation.
How can we find some less invasive options? Through thriving in the balance of Chinese medicine and harmonizing the menstrual cycle naturally. In the book, The Infertility Cure, Dr. Randine Davis gives insights into acupuncture, nutrition, herbs and proper Chinese medicine diagnostic workups. A Chinese medicine assessment will include pulse taking and tongue evaluation.
From a naturopathic perspective, the body’s fertility works best when it is out of fight or flight and thrives in the parasympathetic state. Fight or flight state, or sympathetic state in the nervous system, tells our body we are in danger. Do you think procreating is what your body wants to do if it innately feels it is in danger? One of my patients finally got pregnant after she and her husband’s house sold and they were living with his parents for a while. With the stress of a home sale behind them, they were able to relax.
Meditation, yoga, contemplative prayer, calming activities, walking in the forest are all ways to get out of the fight or flight state in the body. It is important that each person finds what it is that calms their nervous system. For some, it is cooking, for others it is empathetic conversation with someone safe. A safe hug can also be calming. What calms you?
One of my Chinese herbal mentors is Dr. John Chen, the founder of Evergreen Herbs. He is brilliant and both a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and PhD in pharmacology. With his knowledge of thousands of years of Chinese herbs and pharmacology, he has developed Chinese formulas to help the patients with modern age problems. His Blossom Series 1, 2, 3 and 4, is designed to regulate the menstrual cycle and promote ovulation.
Acupuncture can help calm the nervous system, dissolve energetic blocks and improve blood flow to contribute to the harmonization of the cycle. One of my patients who had been trying to get pregnant for two years was able to conceive after three acupuncture treatments.
In our environment there are many endocrine disrupters in chemicals found in common products such as some cosmetics, food and beverage packaging, toys, carpet, and pesticides. Minimizing endocrine disrupters helps with detoxification.
Nutrition wise, sometimes cleanses help. In the process of fasting, a process called autophagy happens where the body gets rid of toxic cells and regenerates new ones.
Recently, a patient told me that all her friends have had miscarriages. She is in her 30’s. With so many endocrine disrupters in our environment, it is no wonder that miscarriage rates are higher. Nevertheless, it is important to find balance with what you can control. Remember that you have options!
If you would like help with fertility using a naturopathic approach, contact Portland Holistic Medicine.