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Dogs: One of the Best Medicines in the Naturopathic Formulary

dogs one of the best medicines

“Love is the greatest force in the universe,” said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I can attest to that when it comes to my loving dog, Luca—whom I refer to as “Dogtor Luca.”

When I decided I was ready for another dog many years ago, I wanted one who could come to the clinic with me. I repeatedly read that golden retrievers make the best therapy dogs.  A vet friend said, “The unconditional love that emanates from a golden retriever is rare on this planet.”

“Dogtor Luca,” our Chief Morale Officer (CMO), turned out to be the best clinic associate I have ever had. I do believe that dogs are one of the best medicines in the naturopathic formulary.

Tender Moments in the Treatment Room

A female patient who was close to Luca came in the day after her own dog had been put down. Dogtor Luca cuddled her on the couch in the consultation room. When it was time to move to the treatment table, Luca—after years of watching me work on patients—got up on his hind legs, put his paws on her belly, and smiled at her. That was the most tender moment I have ever had in a treatment room. As a testimonial for him, she wrote, “We know he knows how to do Paws-On Reiki! LOL.”

During the extended lockdowns in Portland, Oregon, my single female patients begged for him to be at their appointments. That was the only cuddling they received. He always had so much oomph when his patients came in the door. One patient even pleaded with me to have him there on her birthday.

One day, I was treating a severely depressed patient, and she relaxed deeply on the table. As an empath, Luca soaked in the peace, fell asleep, and started snoring loudly. All of a sudden, the patient’s joy burst forth in the biggest laughter I had ever seen from her.

Grief Counselor

When my mother died a few years ago, Luca cuddled with me on the couch whenever I was sitting there. When I cried, he licked the tears off my face. I was happy to give him the title of the “most popular provider in the clinic.”

When we moved to Arizona from Oregon, I knew he missed his regular job.

Intuition in Action

Dogs are such intuitive creatures. At one point, while living in a nice neighborhood in Portland, we came across a very charismatic neighbor known as the Bernie Madoff of the neighborhood with multiple felony convictions. It was so interesting. Luca, only about five months old, completely avoided the creep’s attention and socialized with the landscaper next to him. I told my friends, “It takes a criminal record for Luca to not like someone.”

I am a big believer in the power of animals to heal us. Aside from being my clinic associate, Luca has been my personal trainer, friend, child, hiking buddy, and social coordinator.

If you are interested in having me write an emotional support letter for you and your pet, or exploring whether you need a service animal for a disability, please let me know. I am happy to help. Contact me at Portland Holistic Medicine: 503-241-5094.

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