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Importance of Naturopathic Medicine: A Holistic Case Study

I would like to share a case with you that exemplifies why a holistic approach is important. In a specialized system of medicine, we still need general doctors who look at the whole picture and listen. My Cuban mother who lived in pre-Castro Cuba said many doctors relied on examination skills, history taking and intuition before advances in medicine were made.  

Years ago, I saw a ten-year-old who had chest pain and headaches. He had the full neurology workup with MRI and CT scan. In cardiology, he had a full cardiac workup with EKG.  

Upon taking a history, I learned that his headaches and chest pain were worse on days of PE classes. When I examined him, I saw that his breathing looked restricted. I asked the mother to go back to the pediatrician and have his lung capacity checked. His lung capacity was at 50% function! What he had was asthma, that was worse with exercise. His headaches were brought on from stress and lack of oxygen. This is a case that I have used to teach medical students about the importance of looking at the whole picture.

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